1. All pupils, when admitted and while studying in the school must make themselves acquainted with the rules notified for their conduct. Ignorance of the rules will be no excuse.

2. The working day in divided into two sessions. The morning session commences with the Assembly at 8:45 am and ends at 12.30 noon The afternoon session is from 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm.

3. All pupils must equip themselves with a complete for outfit of everything that is necessary for their studies. They must use their own material and be responsible for books, money and their articles that are lost.

4. Pupils are expected to show respect to their teachers at all times. Every pupil should wish the members of the staff on the occasion of his/her meeting them for the day within the school precincts or outside.

5. No pupil should absent himself/herself from the school with out leave of absence, except on a written application from parent or guardians for genuine reason. In case of prolonged illness, the principal should be informed. NO CHILD WHO HAS BEEN ABSENT FROM THE CLASS WILL BE ADMITTED UNLESS HE/SHE BRINGS A NOTE FROM THE PARENTS OR GUARDIAN STATING THE REASON FOR THE ABSENCE.

6. No pupil is allowed to leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher or until the class is dismissed. No pupil is allowed to leave the school premises during school hours including short break and lunch break without the written permissions of the principal or her deputy.

7. Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. When absent on the previous day absent record must be signed by the parents with the reason. Leave of absence from school for weddings functions etc. must be applied for previously.

8. The minimum attendance for promotion is 90% Attendance is Mandatory on the reopening day and last working day of each term. Failure to do so will invite a fine of Rs. 50/-

9. Irregular attendance at school, disobedience teachers habitual inattention to school work or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school, in or outside the school are sufficient reasons for the permanent or temporary dismissal of a pupil.

10. Students should not write or scribble on the walls or throw papers in the class room or verandas. Any pupil who is found to have caused damage of any kind in the class or in the premises of the school will have to make good the damage done.

11. Every pupil MUST possess a copy of the Diary which is to be BROUGHT TO CLASS ON ALL SCHOOL DAYS. No pupil is permitted to tear any page from the Diary. Breach of this rule will be dealt with severely.

12. Students who are not in proper Uniforms will invite disciplinary action. Fashionable hair style is strictly prohibited for boys and girls. For girls two plaits is compulsory. Short hair must be maintained well and should be off forehead. Accessories or costume Jewellery, painting of nails, face or hands (mehendhi), tattoo, gold ornaments, Chain, Bracelet, bangles, flowers, anklets, Keychains, Wrist Watch etc., are not permitted. A simple pair of ear-rings is allowed.

13. Boys should have police cut, no tight pants, shirts tucked in, with school belt.

14. The students must be on time for the school assembly, Strict silence is to be observed before, after and during the assembly. Persistent late comers will not be allowed to enter the classroom unless he/she brings to teachers, a note from the parent.

15. Running. Playing or shouting inside the building is not allowed. No pupil may enter any classroom other than his/ her own classroom without permission. While going to the Assembly, P.T. Classes or when changing classrooms, the students should go in silence, in a single line and without disturbing the neighboring classes.

16. Mobiles, Pen drives, memory cards, Un healthy story books, magazines or papers of any objectionable character should not be brought to the school.

17. During the absence of a Teacher from the class, student should not leave the classroom or their places or make noise They must listen to the class leader's instructions. maintain discipline and order in the class.

18. For breach of any School rule, a pupil may be fined or otherwise punished, at the discretion of the Principal.

Life at Cluny Matric